Get in touch

Send a quick message to find out my availability and more…

If you like what you’ve seen and want to learn more about my wedding photography, say hello and share your plans with me below. The more details, the better!

Once you’ve sent your enquiry, you’ll receive an automatic email with my pricing brochure, so you know your message has come through. If you’d like to see full wedding albums, I’m happy to share those with you as well.

I’m also proud to partner with to help offset my carbon footprint. For every couple that books, two trees will be planted as part of your package.

Feel free to reach me at:

bath wedding photographer ryan goold
I can't wait to hear all about your plans

If you’re happy with what you’ve seen so far but want to find out more, drop me a message here to book in a meeting, find out my availability, see my prices or ask me anything you like.