2022 Round Up – Bath Wedding Photographer

As a Bath Wedding Photographer it’s important to reflect back and see what the past year looked like, and choosing just 100 to show you all is one of the hardest parts of the job, especially as this only makes up 0.3% of the photos I’ve delivered to my amazing clients this year. If you’re as bad at maths as I am, my couples have received around 30000 images this year which tops any previous years.

This year has shown me the true emotion and happiness a wedding can create and bring into peoples lives. With clients travelling from all over the world this year, America and Singapore to name a few, it’s amazing to see how cultures and traditions vary, and it’s been a beautiful way to celebrate the wedding industry and what it means to those involved. I’ve captured weddings across Somerset, Bath, the Cotswolds, London and I’ve been able to connect with 1000’s of people and bring them joy with my photography. After all the sparklers have burned out, pints downed, broken heels, tears cried, veils stood on, miles driven and every other moment in between, it’s all worth it to hear the feedback from the couples and their families and this is why I return to photograph weddings year after year.

When I was starting out over 10 years ago, weddings used to be about the perfect shot; the right angle, pin sharp focus and all the other parts that make up an image, but this hasn’t been the case this year. Emotion, people and moments have taken the limelight and make up the majority of my photos, but that isn’t to say that group shots, portraits and decor aren’t important as they get the time they deserve. You’ll see a lot of tears and laughter when you have a scroll through I can promise you that.

2023 will bring me back to lots of favourite venues like Priston Mill which we all know I love and some new ones too. Very excited to share these snippets with you and I look forward to share even more in the new year.

Ryan and Family X

bath wedding photographer ryan goold
I can't wait to hear all about your plans

If you’re happy with what you’ve seen so far but want to find out more, drop me a message here to book in a meeting, find out my availability, see my prices or ask me anything you like.